The Elite Scanning System has and will continue to bring significant cost savings to the industry. We are now laser focused on making fire tubes last longer and producing simple solutions with the producer in mind.
Prior to the Elite Scanning System, the only method to identify corrosion damage was to pull out the fire tube and beat on it with a hammer.
After the first year of complete implementation of Elite’s fire tube scanning system, over 2500 inspections were completed. And today we have completed well over 35,000 inspections and have prevented several hundred spills.
Along with inspecting fire tubes, we also provide cathodic protection products to extend the life of the fire tube and maintain overall heater treater health.
Elite scanning system
Our patented technology can identify hot spots and prevent unnecessary fire tube failures.
Elite CP Systems
Fighting corrosion from the inside-out and extending the life of the heater treater.
See Elite In Action