Our Leadership Team
Elite Energy Services is a family owned and operated process improvement company focused on bringing innovative solutions to the oil and gas industry. Elite was founded in 2013 by Derek Allen.
The company’s primary focus was oil and gas maintenance and environmental remediation. When identifying the common problem of fire tube failures, the company took the initiative to develop a cutting-edge solution.
The Elite scanning system is continuing to bring significant cost saving solutions throughout the oil and gas industry.
With the continued support from the industry Elite plans to continue to bring cost saving solutions to problems throughout the industry

Derek Allen
Derek started Elite Energy in 2013. Elite was originally an oilfield services company. Derek led the company’s transition from oilfield services to an innovative product development company.
Derek attended school at Idaho State University in Idaho Falls, after which he moved to North Dakota and began his career learning and experiencing all the aspects of the oil industry. He soon realized the need for good, honest customer-oriented service company. That is when he decided to start Elite Energy Services.

David Allen
VP Innovation/Business Development
David has been with Elite since 2014. He originally worked for Elite doing oilfield service maintenance.
David attended school at Weber State University. After graduating, he worked with Lockheed Martin and Westinghouse at the Idaho National Engineering and Environmental Laboratory (INEEL).
David currently leads Elite Energy Services in the development of innovative technologies for the oil and gas industry.
Dillon Allen
VP Operations
Dillon has been with Elite since 2014. He has been a vital part in the successes of Elite. He has worked in all areas of the oil field services and has an excellent understanding of field operations.
He attended school at ISU in Idaho Falls. He traveled with his father to ND in 2013 and has helped transition Elite Energy into an industry leader in MFL technology for heater treater fire tube management.

Lois Allen
AR/AP Specialist
Lois relocated to ND with David in 2013. Prior to that, she had spent most of her career as a medical transcriptionist, with a degree in medical office management. She has been a great addition to the team.
She strives to instill within the organization that above all, customer service is a vital part of Elite Energy Services, always being considerate and respectful in dealing with customers.

A Family Affair
Family Owned and Operated
Elite Energy Services was founded in 2013 by Derek Allen with the intention of bringing a high-quality service to the industry. The company provided services to oil companies ranging from on-site maintenance to environmental remediation and NORM (Naturally Occurring Radioactive Material) handling.
As the industry experienced the effects of the downturn, Elite – like all other companies – had to adapt to survive. The focus changed from maintenance activities to identifying solutions for common and recurrent problems. The company began to focus on an issue that has plagued the industry for over 50 years: heater treaters are a vital part of oil production, but they have a very common and potentially costly flaw (fire tube failures). Elite Energy Services set out to identify a solution to this problem.
Prior to the Elite Tube Scanning System, the only method to identify corrosion damage was to pull the fire tube and beat on it with a hammer.
This was costly and VERY inefficient. Elite Energy Services devoted time, energy, and resources to develop a cost-effective and accurate system to solve this 50-year-old problem. After 2 years of Research and Development, with vendors across the world, a system was developed that can scan a fire tube without any need to impact current oil production.
Many sacrifices were made by the family during this development due to the venture’s self-funded nature; – growing during the devastating industry downturn was no easy task, but the sacrifice and perseverance were well worth the effort.
Elite Energy Services’ fire tube scanning system uses existing technology in a different application, and it is the only one of its kind in the world. The scan has been instrumental in preventing hundreds of leaks and is saving oil production companies hundreds of thousands of dollars.
The innovation has not stopped with the development of this patented technology. We are excited for what the future holds and look forward to bringing continued solutions to the industry, – (ex: a method to effectively measure cathodic protection inside heater treater vessels is currently being developed).
“This family has weathered the tough times together and will continue to have an impact on the industry together.”